Each year Christ Church offers study days introducing pupils to subjects taught at Oxford. Read on to find out about our Modern Languages Study Day.

Modern Languages Study Day

This day is aimed both at students who are currently studying languages and those who are interested in picking up new languages at university. It will offer a taste of Modern Languages at university across both cases.

You don't need to be studying a language already to do a Modern Language as part of your degree at Oxford. As well as degree courses in French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Modern Greek, Oxford also offers joint-honours courses that can involve languages in different combinations, such as French and Beginners’ Russian, Spanish and Portuguese or Russian and Beginners’ Czech (with Slovak). Oxford also offers a range of joint-honours courses that combine languages with other subjects, such as English and French, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Philosophy and Beginners’ German. More detailed information about course combinations and content can be found on the Oxford courses webpage.

The day includes an introduction to language study at Oxford, workshops covering various aspects of the course, taster sessions in some of our joint-honours options, as well as a workshop on the Modern Languages Admissions Test (MLAT). The participants will have a chance to meet students who study Modern Languages at Oxford, have lunch in the Christ Church Hall, and go on a tour of the college. The event will be free of charge and lunch will be provided.

Christ Church Modern Languages Study Day

Attending our Study Days

Who is the event for?

For our Modern Languages Study Day we welcome applications from Year 12 students at state schools who are considering applying to study Modern Languages at Oxford. If the event is oversubscribed we'll prioritise applications from students based on the following contextual factors:

  • Your POLAR postcode score is 1 or 2
  • Your ACORN postcode score is 4 or 5
  • You have been eligible for free school meals
  • Your parents did not go to university
  • You are from an ethnic background that is underrepresented at Oxford
  • You have been, or currently are, in care
  • You are a young carer
  • You attend a non-selective school

Students are expected to attend unaccompanied if 16 or over. Please ask for permission from your school if attending will involve missing any lessons.

Travel support

We wouldn't want the cost of travelling to Oxford to prevent students from participating and are able to offer support with travel costs to UK students who have been in care, are young carers, have been eligible for free school meals, or who would otherwise be unable to attend.

How to apply

Applications for our 2023 Study Days are now closed, but if you want to find out more about life at Christ Church and Oxford, why not attend one of our Open Days