
PhD in Experimental Psychology, MSc in Neurocognitive Psychology, BSc in Psychology

Academic Background

Since 2018, I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Brain and Cognition Laboratory at the University of Oxford working with Kia Nobre. Prior to joining the Brain and Cognition Laboratory I completed a BSc in Psychology at the University of Salzburg (2008-2011) and an MSc in Neurocognitive Psychology at the University of Oldenburg (2011-2013). In 2018, I received my PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of Oldenburg.

Undergraduate Teaching

I lecture on Cognition, Developmental Psychology and Research Methods.

Research Interests

My research addresses auditory and multisensory perception, focusing on the interplay between auditory and
visual systems. I investigate these processes in people with normal hearing and age-related hearing loss. Specifically, I look at how brain rhythms in sensory areas influence our auditory and visual perceptual processing. To this end, I use a combination of both psychoacoustic and neurophysiological methods, such as mobile and high-density electroencephalography (EEG) or magnetoencephalography (MEG).


Bauer, A-K. R., van Ede, F., Quinn, A. J. & Nobre, A. C. (2021). Rhythmic Modulation of Visual Perception by Continuous Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(33), 7065-7075.

Grahn, J. A., Bauer, A-K. R., & Zamm, A. (2021). Is neural entrainment to rhythms the basis of social bonding through music? [Commentary on Music as a coevolved system for social bonding by Savage et al.]. Behavioural and Brain Sciences.

Zamm, A., Palmer, C., Bauer, A-K. R., Bleichner, M. G., Demos, A. P., & Debener, S. (2021). Behavioral and Neural Dynamics of Interpersonal Synchrony Between Performing Musicians: A Wireless EEG Hyperscanning Study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Bauer, A-K. R., Debener, S. & Nobre, A.C. (2020). Synchronisation of neural oscillations and cross-modal influences. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24(6), 57-71.

Shalev, N., Bauer, A.-K. R., & Nobre, AC. (2019). The tempos of performance. Current Opinion in Psychology, 20, 254-260.

Piñeyro Salvidegoitia, M., Jacobsen, N., Bauer, A.-K. R., Griffiths, B., Hanslmayr, S., & Debener, S. (2019). Out and about: subsequent memory effect captured in a natural outdoor environment with smartphone EEG. Psychophysiology.

Stropahl, M., Bauer, A.-K. R., Debener, S. & Bleichner, M. G. (2018). EEG source-modelling of auditory processing using EEGLAB and Brainstorm. Special Issue: From raw MEG/EEG to publication: how to perform MEG/EEG group analysis with free academic software. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12:309.

Zamm, A., Debener, S., Bauer, A.-K. R., Bleichner, M. G., Demos, A. P., & Palmer, C. (2018). Amplitude envelope correlations for measuring inter-brain synchrony in performing musicians. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Jaeger, M., Bleichner, M. G., Bauer, A.-K. R., Mirkovic, B., & Debener, S. (2018). Did you listen to the beat? Auditory selective attention steady-state responses in human electroencephalogram at 4 and 7 Hz modulation rates. Brain Topography.

Bauer, A.-K. R., Bleichner, M. G, Jaeger, M., Thorne, J. D. & Debener, S. (2018). Dynamic phase alignment of ongoing auditory cortex oscillations NeuroImage, 167 396-407.

Zamm, A., Palmer, C., Bauer, A.-K. R., Bleichner, M. G., Demos, A. P., & Debener, S. (2017). Synchronizing MIDI and wireless EEG measurements during natural piano performance. Brain Research.

Bauer, A.-K. R., Jaeger, M., Thorne, J. D., Bendixen, A., & Debener, S. (2015). The auditory dynamic attending theory revisited: A closer look at the pitch comparison task. Brain Research, 1626, 198-210.

Bauer, A.-K. R., Gunter, K., & Herrmann, C. S. (2015). Individual musical tempo preference correlates with EEG beta rhythm. Psychophysiology, 52(4), 600-604.

Bauer, A.-K. R., Neumann, L. (2014). Conference Report: International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology (SysMus14). Psychomusicology: Music, Mind and Brain, 24(4), 600-604.

Schaal, N. K., Bauer, A.-K. R., & Müllensiefen, D. (2014). Ein Fragebogeninstrument zur Messung musikalischer Erfahrenheit: Replikation und Validierung des Gold-MSI anhand einer deutschen Stichprobe. [The Gold-MSI: Replication and Validation of a Questionnaire Instrument for the Measurement of Musical Sophistication on the basis of a German Sample]. Musicae Scientiae, 18(4), 423-447.