
BA Classics & English (Oxford, 2018); MPhil Renaissance Literature (Cambridge, 2019)

Academic Background:

I took my BA in Classics & English at Magdalen College, Oxford and my MPhil in Renaissance Literature at Christ's College, Cambridge. I am currently completing my DPhil at Somerville College and I have been a lecturer at New College.

Undergraduate Teaching:

At Christ Church, I am teaching FHS English Paper 1 (Shakespeare) and Paper 3 (1550-1660).

Research Interests:

Early modern classical reception, neo-Latin, translation, imitation and allusion, love lyrics and their settings. My current research is on English verse in Latin translation, 1584-1750, covering Chaucer, Spenser, Fletcher, May, Marvell, Milton, Dryden, and Pope.


'Glossing The Shepheardes Calender in Latin Translation', Translation and Literature 31.1 (2022), 1-34.
'"Bad" Love Lyrics and Poetic Hypocrisy from Gascoigne to Benson’s Shakespeare', forthcoming in Shakespeare Survey 75.
'Latinizing Milton in the English West Indies', forthcoming in Milton in Further Translation (OUP).