BCL, MA (Oxford); Solicitor
Academic background
I retired in 2018 and am now Emeritus Student of Christ Church, and Emeritus Professor of the Law of Contract in the University. I read Classics (Honour Moderations), Law (Finals), and the BCL at Christ Church between 1977 and 1982, and was Tutor in Law at Christ Church from 1982 to 2018. In the University I was Lecturer in Law from 1982 to 2004, Reader from 2004 to 2008, and Professor of the Law of Contract from 2008 to 2018. From 2007 to 2017 I was also Professor of Anglo-American Private Law at the University of Leiden, and since 2002 I have been professeur invité at the University of Paris II (Panthéon-Assas).
I was Junior Censor at Christ Church from 1995 to 1997, and Senior Censor from 1997 to 1999.
Research interests
My interests lie in English and comparative private law, especially contract and property. From 2015 to 2018 I was Director of the Institute of European and Comparative Law in the Law Faculty, and I remain a Research Fellow of the Institute.
Featured publications
Books and articles on English and comparative contract and property law.
Formation and Variation of Contracts: 2nd edn, Sweet & Maxwell (Contract Law Library), 2018
Contract Law: An Introduction to the English Law of Contract for the Civil Lawyer : 3rd edn, Hart Publishing, 2016
Misrepresentation, Mistake and Non-Disclosure : 4th edn, Sweet & Maxwell (Contract Law Library), 2016
Anson’s Law of Contract : 30th edn (jointly with J. Beatson and A. Burrows), Oxford University Press, 2016
Formation and Variation of Contracts : Sweet & Maxwell (Contract Law Library), 2014
Cheshire & Burn's Modern Law of Real Property : 18th edn (jointly with E.H. Burn), Oxford University Press, 2011
‘Harmonisation Projects: Lessons from the European Experience?’ / ‘Proyectos de armonización: ¿Lecciones de la experiencia europea?’ Latin American Legal Studies, vol 2 (2018) 1
‘“Commercial” Contracts: Do they Exist in English Law?’: in L Carvajal Arenas and A Toso (eds) Estudios de Derecho Comercial [the Proceedings of the VIII Jornadas Chilenas de Derecho Comercial], Milos, Thomson Reuters, 2018
‘L’introduction au droit en Angleterre’ in R Cabrillac (ed), Qu’est-ce qu’une introduction au droit? Dalloz, 2017
‘Defects of the Contract under Articles 27 to 37 of the Principles of Latin American Contract Law’ in R Momberg and S Vogenauer (eds), The Future of Contract Law in Latin America, Hart Publishing, 2017
'Redelijkheid en billijkheid: a view from English law' in CG Breedveld-de Voogd, AG Castermans, MW Knigge, T van der Linden, HA ten Oever (eds), Core Concepts in the Dutch Civil Code: Continuously in Motion, Wolters Kluwer, 2016
'Un regard anglais sur les forces et faiblesses du droit français des contrats' (2015) Revue des contrats 691
'Una introducción al Derecho de contratos inglés' (2015) Crónica Jurídica Hispalense 15
'Equity's Connivance in the Evasion of Formalities' in E. Koops and W.J. Zwalve (eds), Law & Equity: Approaches in Roman Law and Common Law (2014)
(with M Schmidt-Kessel) 'Defects in Consent: Mistake, Fraud, Threats, Unfair Exploitation' in Gerhard Dannemann and Stefan Vogenauer (eds), The Common European Sales Law in Context, Oxford University Press, 2013
'”Authenticity” and “Authentic Instruments”: The Perspective of English Law' in L. Aynès (ed), L'authenticité, La documentation Française, 2013