
BCL (NUI); BCL, MPhil, DPhil (Oxford)

Academic background

I read Law and French Literature at University College Cork before coming to Oxford for my graduate degrees in Law.

I have spent most of my academic career at Oxford. I was a Stipendiary Lecturer at Pembroke College and then a Career Development Fellow at The Queen’s College. Before taking up my current position, I was a Lecturer in Property Law at King’s College London.

I also teach Law in France: I have been a Visiting Lecturer at Université Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) since 2013.

Undergraduate teaching

I teach Contract Law, Land Law, Torts and Trusts

Research interests

My research interests are in English private law, French private law, comparative law and legal history.

Featured publications

C Kennefick, 'The Contribution of Contemporary Mathematics to Contractual Fairness in Equity, 1751-1867' (2018) 39 (3) Journal of Legal History 307

C Kennefick, ‘La violence dans le Code Napoléon réformé: la survie surprenante des tiers’ in John Cartwright, Bénédicte Fauvarque-Cosson and Simon Whittaker (eds), La réécriture du Code civil: le droit français des contrats après les réformes de 2016 (Société de Législation Comparée, Paris: 2018) 113

C Kennefick, ‘Violence in the Reformed Napoleonic Code: the Surprising Survival of Third Parties’ in John Cartwright and Simon Whittaker (eds), The Code Napoléon Rewritten: French Contract Law after the 2016 Reforms (Hart, Oxford: 2017) 109

C Kennefick, ‘La faute de l'appauvri: comparaisons anglo-françaises sur l'enrichissement injustifié’ (2015) Revue des Contrats 961

C Kennefick, ‘La surprenante histoire de la lésion en droit français et en droit anglais’ (2013) Revue des Contrats 1531
C Kennefick, ‘Linked transactions en droit anglais’ (2013) Revue des Contrats 1088