
BA (University of Canterbury, Kent); DPhil (Oxford); MA status (Oxford)

Undergraduate teaching

I teach literary translation and the course 19th and 20th Century French and Francophone Literatures. 

Research interests

My main research interests are in francophone writing, women’s writing, biography and reading.

Featured publications

The Woman Reader (Yale, 2012)

'Epreuve avant la lettre: George Sand et l'autobiographie renversée', Littérature, 134 (2004), pp. 121–30

Beatrice's Spell: The Enduring Legend of Beatrice Cenci (Chatto and Windus, 2003)

George Sand: A Woman's Life Writ Large (Chatto and Windus, 1999)

Negritude and Literary Criticism: The History and Theory of 'Negro-African' Literature in French (Greenwood Press, 1996)

Francophone Literatures: An Introductory Survey (Oxford: OUP, 1996)

Other interests and activities

I enjoy travel.