Effective until 31 December 2023
Breach of College Disciplinary Rules
The Censors will, reluctantly but when necessary, penalise breaches of College rules (as printed in this booklet and contained in Censorial notices and letters from time to time) and other anti-social or dangerous behaviour. The Junior Censor is empowered to impose a range of sanctions proportionate to the breach, including either oral or (formal) written warnings, fines up to £500, and the limitation of the use of College facilities including the deprivation of rooms in College or in College-owned accommodation outside the main curtilage. If, on investigation, the Junior Censor considers that a case might warrant the imposition of a more serious sanction (the levying of a fine in excess of £500), suspension on non-academic disciplinary grounds, or sending down (permanent expulsion) the matter will be referred by the Junior Censor in writing to a Disciplinary Panel consisting of the Senior Censor and at least two members of Governing Body not connected with the case. The Disciplinary Panel may penalise serious breaches of College rules by the levying of fines, by limiting the use of College facilities including the deprivation of rooms in College, or in College-owned accommodation outside the main curtilage, by suspension or by sending down, as appropriate. A person appearing before a Disciplinary Panel will be sent a copy of the Junior Censor’s written referral, and given written guidelines about the Panel and its procedures.
The College has separate disciplinary rules and procedures for the investigation of complaints of harassment: see Section I of the Blue Book on the College Intranet.
In addition to any sanctions imposed by the Censors or a Disciplinary Panel, the Censors may charge on battels the cost of repair, additional cleaning, or replacement of College property damaged by Junior Members.
Junior Members may appeal to the Censor Theologiae against decisions of the Censors or a Disciplinary Panel. In addition, Christ Church is a participating College in the Conference of Colleges’ Appeal Tribunal. This means that any Junior Member wishing to appeal against a decision of the Dean may do so by filing a written application with the Secretariat of the Conference of Colleges within 5 days of the date of the decision appealed against. Details of the procedures for making such an appeal are available from the Academic Registrar.