Thursday 19 September

3pm–5pm Tours of Christ Church and a chance to chat to current students. Tours leave from the College’s main gate under Tom Tower (search ‘Tom Tower’ on Google Maps) 

Evening Dinner and evening events for those who have pre-booked overnight accommodation

Friday 20 September

All day (10am–4.30pm)Tours of Christ Church and a chance to chat to current students. Tours leave from the College’s main gate under Tom Tower, last entry 4.30pm 

All day (10am–5pm) Tea and coffee in the Hall. Meeting point for parents/carers and prospective students after talks 

9am–10am Students: Personal Statement Workshop, Sir Michael Dummett Lecture Theatre 

9am–10am Parents/carers: College life, finance, welfare, and the admissions process, Exhibition Space  

11am–noon Teachers’ workshop: How to support your applicants, Sir Michael Dummett Lecture Theatre  

12.30pm–1.30pm Students: Admissions talk and demonstration interview for sciences, Sir Michael Dummett Lecture Theatre 

12.30pm–1.30pm Parents/carers: College life, finance, welfare, and the admissions process, Exhibition Space  

1.45pm–2.45pm Students: Admissions talk and demonstration interview for arts, humanities, and social sciences, Sir Michael Dummett Lecture Theatre 

1.45pm–2.45pm Parents/carers: College life, finance, welfare, and the admissions process, Exhibition Space  

1.45pm–2.45pm Students: meet the science tutors, various locations 

3pm–4pm Students: meet the humanities and social science tutors